This is a very easy and quick recipe that is a staple in my household. Ingredients: (I don’t bother to measure and usually just taste and add) 1-3 ripe avocados 2 tbsp of salsa per avocado [...]
You’re not the only one. Staying on track to what your health goals can be one of the most difficult things to succeed in life. It may seem confusing to know exactly what to eat and how [...]
Dr Dan’s Simple Grocery Shopping Tips: Plan a day in the week to plan meals and ingredients for the week Plan a day (or two) in the week to do your shopping Being labelled ‘organic’, [...]
Recipe of the Month: Banana ‘Bread’ My daughter and I made this very simple recipe together and I must admit they are really good! From the Caveman Feast: George’s Paleo [...]
EXERCISE OF THE MONTH – Super Slow Lack of time is the most common reason I hear for not being physically active. As a parent I am quite familiar with the disappearance of time. High Intensity [...]
Since this month is related to Valentine’s Day and we have a special focus on the heart I’d like to point out an interesting article that was sent to my inbox from a colleague, Heart [...]
This is my introduction to High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) made easy.. (See your health care professional before starting any of my exercise recommendations!) In future posts I will [...]
A great breakfast option for the whole family is a nutrient rich green drink. All ingredients should be fresh and mostly organic. See Why and What I Should Eat Organic ? Ingredients per serving [...]
In our clinic, a few times a year we show Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. This leads to many questions surrounding the reasoning behind juicing and concerns around a ‘liquid diet’. It also reminds our [...]
Thanks to Kimberly Roberto, co-author of Maximized Living Nutrition Plans, for providing me a link to a blog she had posted, when I asked her this exact question….. [...]