The fist 30 minutes can make or break your day, check out these great tips to get off on the right foot.
A list of food rules I've collected that are simple, and easy to live by; removing the complication and confusion surrounding diet choices.
I hear this every day from patients in the office so I have decided to write a quick and easy list of tips to help you get the quality of sleep you need each night. If you don’t realize all the [...]
*I will direct many of my patients to use this blog post as a reference blog to be used daily or weekly to improve their posture and mobility.* If you still don’t think ‘sitting is the new [...]
Click on the link below to straighten up: How to fix your posture
The first time I heard Dr. Kirk Parsley he said that parents will lose six months of sleep in the first two years of their child’s life. As a parent of three, the math seems about right [...]
From: In Defense of Food: an Eater’s Manifesto Michael Pollan: also Author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma and Food Rules Confused about what to eat? You are not the only one. I spend [...]
The Globe and Mail has recently reported that “Sitting is the New Smoking” — and they’re right! There is overwhelming literature proving that chronic sitting, or, more importantly, being [...]
Have you heard of bone broth? It is a very affordable way to heal your guts and in turn your body. It is an incredible and affordable way to add tremendous health to your family’s diet. Broth [...]
Do You Need a Digital Detox? Podcasts are a relatively new addition to my lifestyle. Life gets very busy with family, work and play. As a result, reading time begins to get reduced so podcast [...]